Graphy acquires Scenes, a Singapore based community platform

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Graphy acquires Scenes, a Singapore based community platform

Graphy's acquisition aims to fortify its leadership position in the creator economy, further empowering creators and educators grow their knowledge business


Mumbai, 21 June, 2023: Graphytoday announced the acquisition of community platform, Scenes. This strategic move marks Graphy’s commitment to enhancing its offerings and expanding its reach in the creator ecosystem.


Graphy is a SaaS platform that empowers creators and educators to scale their online brand and business by launching their online courses and selling them via white-labeled websites and mobile apps.


“The acquisition of Scenes is a strategic move aimed at strengthening our leadership position in the creator economy,” said Sumit Jain, Co-founder & CEO Graphy. “We believe in the power of communities and the impact it can have on learner experience. Scenes has built a robust community platform for creators and this acquisition aligns with our vision of helping creators and educators build and scale their online knowledge business,” he added.


“Scenes has been an exciting journey. We've partnered with a lot of large creators and businesses over the years. The Scenes product and customers could not have found a better home than Graphy,” said Varun Mayya, Co-founder & CEO Scenes while commenting on the acquisition.

Scenes is an all-in-one community management platform that enables creators to manage, moderate, and monetize their community by selling their digital products, hosting events, processing payments and more. Scenes is used by top creators such as SharanHegde (1% Club), Sourav Jain ​​(Digital Scholar) and more.


About Graphy:

Graphy is a platform that empowers creators and educators to scale their online brand and business by launching their online courses and selling them via white-labeled websites and mobile apps. Over 100K+ creators have launched their online teaching businesses using Graphy. Graphy is a part of the Unacademy Group.

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